Hosted Payment Page Set-up

Log into the Exact Payments Gateway Administration portal and select 'Payment Page' menu. Follow the steps defined in the menu to build your Payment Page. There is no need to complete all steps in a single session. Clicking the 'Create' button will save any settings and enable you to pick up where you left off at anytime.

Step 1- General

Begin by setting a 'Return to Your Site' URL. This is the URL that will redirect the cardholder back to your site once done entering sensitive credit/debit card information (or if there is timeout error).

Next set 'Maximum # of Payment Attempts'. If set at two (2) or higher, your customers will have more than one pass at correctly entering credit/debit card.

And then, enter a 'Notification Email address'. This is the email where Exact Payments will send technical notices. Ensure you have an updated technical contact saved in our system.

Step 2- Payment Types

In this step, you define a currency for each Payment Page as well as the payment types and validation options required.

  • Each Payment Page must be set with only one (1) currency. To support more than one currency, simply create (or duplicate) multiple Payment Pages and assign a currency to each.

  • Next, select Terminal Assignment to set the terminal used for processing. If you have a single terminal (gateway ID), there will be the only option presented. Otherwise, select the appropriate terminal for use. 'Use This Payment Page For All Terminals' option may be set. With this option, a Gateway ID value must be supplied in the x_gateway_id parameter.

  • Select 'Enable Credit Card Payments' and then select the merchant and terminal you want to use for live Credit Card processing. Repeat the same selection step for test mode processing.

Now, select the processing options you want to enable on the Payment Page.

  • CVV is card verification prompting customers to enter the 3 or 4 digit security code on the back of the credit/debit card. It is recommended to enable CVV in order to minimize fraudulent purchases.

  • 3-D Secure is an advanced cardholder authentication service for Visa & Mastercard. Clients seeking to control fraud and exposure to chargeback losses should consider using 3-D Secure.

  • Paypal is a popular alternative payment type. Consider adding Paypal in order to attract new customers.

Step 3: Receipt Page

First, select your preferred Receipt Return Method. These fields are mandatory for Silent Post method and optional for Relay Response.

  • AUTO POST: Sends transaction results as HTTP POST parameters.
  • POST: configured Receipt Link is embedded as the submit button of an HTML form (method POST).
  • AUTO GET: Sends transaction results (same subset as method GET) as HTTP GET parameters (URL query string).
  • GET: configured Receipt Link is embedded as the submit button of an HTML form (method GET). When the customer clicks this button the transaction results are sent as HTTP GET parameters (URL query string).
  • LINK: The configured Receipt Link is embedded as a simple HTML link. No transaction results are sent when the customer clicks this link.
  • REDI: Submits the HTTP form with method GET, sending the transaction results as HTTP GET parameters (URL query string). This method is not recommended.

Second, set values for the following.

  • Receipt Link: Hyperlink displayed to the customer to return them to the merchant's online store.
  • Receipt Link URL: Page which will display customer receipt.
  • Reference Number (optional): displays the value passed in the x_invoice_num field on the receipt.
  • Customer Reference (optional): displays the value passed in the x_po_num form field on the receipt.

If using (optional) Relay Response, set the following:

  • Allow Relay Response: check this box if Relay Response is the receipting method chosen. If unchecked and using Silent Post, enter a Silent Post URL otherwise leave blank.
  • Relay Response URL: If Relay Response is allowed, this URL will relay transaction results.
  • Allow HTTP Redirect to the Merchant site: If selected, any HTTP redirect requests will pass back to the merchant's site rather than the receipt page.
  • Validate Relay Response HTML: allow Exact Payments Gateway to validate HTML the merchant server's relay back for the receipt page.

Step 4: Receipt Emails

Email Enabled: check this box to send payment confirmation email for all transactions.

Use the 'From Email' parameter to define an email address for your business (eg. [email protected]).

Receipt Email Header/Footer: customize the payment confirmation email with helpful messaging . For example, 'Save this Receipt in case of Returns' or 'Thank you for your business'. Header/Footer text is limited to a maximum of 255 characters.

Step 5: Recurring Settings

This section is used for configuring a Recurring option on your Payment Page. This functionality can be enabled or disabled. If accepting Recurring payments, it is important to include the terms and conditions associated with any recurring plan. A plain text box is provided for this purpose.

Step 6: Page Customization

Create custom layout of fields on the Payment Page using 'drag & drop' function. Field labels can edited here. The 'Reset labels' function returns the form to default field names.

Here you can adjust 'Form Height', 'Form Width' and create 'Custom Text' to display with 'Heading Title' and your 'Payment Button Title'.

Three (3) User Defined Fields are provided for use in building Payment Pages. These fields are display only. Merchants use these fields to present important information (ex. Order #) in the checkout page. Customers can not edit or change these values during checkout.

Step 7: Appearance Settings (optional)

Here you can further customize Payments Page. The Preview button enables you to check changes prior to posting in the Live environment.

  • Language: select for English or Spanish support
  • Header Logo: display a logo or graphic file. Select 'Upload a new logo'. Note: logo files are limited to a maximum size of 100 KB.
  • Credit Cards: change the order of Card Type on a Payment Page using 'drag & drop'.
  • Color Values: select custom colors for all Text, Background, Header Text and Header Background.
  • Mobile Header Logo: A unique logo for Payment Pages optimized for display on mobile devices can be uploaded here.
  • Mobile Color and Font Settings: customize for mobile devices. Set background color, header background color, body text font, body text color, header font and header font color.

For advanced customization, use 'External Style Sheet' settings. Linking to a custom style sheet provides rich appearance customization options. Note: it is recommended to HTTPS as some browsers may block linking to external style sheets.

Step 8: Security Settings

In this step, encryption keys are generated for use with Hosted Payment Pages. Note: if a Payment Page is currently in use in either Demo or Live modes, generating new keys will break existing page links.

HMAC Calculation

Exact Payment Pages use HMAC-SHA-256 encryption algorithms.

Click 'Generate new Transaction Key': used to calculate "x_fp_hash" which validates a merchant server is properly generating redirect parameters.

Click 'Generate new Response Key': used for Relay Response method. This key is one of the values used to calculate the value 'x_SHA2_Hash'. 'x_SHA2_Hash' cryptographically signs transaction results returned to the merchant's server.

Finish by clicking 'Next' and then 'Save Changes'. Use 'Previous' to return to the preceding screen or 'Cancel'.

Use the 'Hash Calculator' to authenticate Exact encryption keys. Enter the following values:

  • "x_fp_sequence"
  • "x_fp_timestamp"
  • "x_amount"
  • "x_currency_code" (optional)

Note: 'x_login' and 'Transaction Key' fields are automatically pre-populated.

Click 'Generate Hash'. The result is displayed in 'Hash (x_fp_hash)'.